Captain Orton and Ms Bassett... Part 3 "Balloon ascents & Parachute descents"

 The Bury Fete and Gala

July 1890 (from the Bury and Norwich Post July 22, 1890)

"...The committee had arranged with Mr W.G.Slyvester, of London, to bring down a first class company of London and Continental Artists. A specially attractive feature in the programme was the Balloon ascent and parachute descent by Capt. Orton and Mdlle Adelaide Bassett, who fully realised the anticipations of the public, the feat being most successfully performed....the balloon ascent which was the event of the day took place shortly before seven in the presence of a large and interested crowd of spectators.The crowds were not confined merely to the thousands who were collected in the Gardens,but hundreds thronged the Angel Hill, and other neighbourhoods of the Gardens, while on the Norman Tower and the tower of St Mary's church and on the roofs of several of the houses, many were assembled to witness the performance. The intrepid performers having taken their seats upon the wooden seat beneath the balloon, the ascent was most successfully effected amid loud cheers. Those who have had experience in Ballooning declare that a prettier and more successful ascent has never been made. Having ascended to a suitable altitude the first to let go was Mdlle Adelaide Bassett. The parachute opened immediately, and a most graceful descent was made. Capt. Orton entered upon  his perilous journey a few seconds afterwards, and the daring couple alighted almost simultaneously. Mdlle Bassett near the wall in the meadow opposite the Unicorn, her companion being not far off. What became of the balloon is not at present known..... "


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